Health and Well-Being Mantras

Mantra for Developing Mental Strength
Mantra for Effective Speech(1)
Mantra for Effective Speech(2)
Mantra for Mental Happiness
Mantra for Holistic Growth
Mantra for Positive Thinking(1)
Mantra for Positive Thinking(2)
Mantra for Positive Thinking(3)
Mantra for Positive Thinking(4)
Mantra for Peaceful Life(1)
Mantra for Peaceful Life(2)
Mantra for Peaceful Life(3)
Mantra for Peace & Wish Fulfillment(1)
Mantra for Peace & Wish Fulfillment(2)
Mantra for Mental Peace(1)
Mantra for Mental Peace(2)
Mantra for Mental Peace(3)
Mantra for Mental Peace(4)
Mantra for Mental Peace(5)
Mantra for Empowering Sense Organs
Mantra for Overcoming Anxiety(1)
Mantra for Overcoming Anxiety(2)
Mantra for Overcoming Frustration
Mantra for Developing Discretion Power
Mantra for Relieving Stress
Mantra for Reducing the Heat
Mantra for Curing Physical Heat
Mantra for Procuring Health(1)
Mantra for Procuring Health(2)
Mantra for Procuring Health(3)
Mantra for Procuring Health(4)
Mantra for Procuring Health(5)
Mantra for Procuring Health(6)
Mantra for Procuring Health(7)
Mantra for Procuring Health(8)
Mantra for Procuring Health(9)
Mantra for Procuring Health(10)
Mantra for Improving Immunity
Mantra for Remedy for All Diseases(1)
Mantra for Remedy for All Diseases(2)
Mantra for Remedy for All Diseases(3)
Mantra for a Powerful Nervous System
Mantra for Recovering from Fever(1)
Mantra for Recovering from Fever(2)
Mantra for Recovering from Fever(3)
Mantra for Recovering from Fever(4)
Mantra for Treating Malaria
Mantra for Balancing Blood Pressure
Mantra for Treatment of Headache(1)
Mantra for Treatment of Headache(2)
Mantra for Treatment of Headache(3)
Mantra for Brain Therapy
Mantra for Ear Therapy
Mantra for Eye Therapy(1)
Mantra for Eye Therapy(2)
Mantra for Eye Therapy(3)
Mantra for Eye Therapy(4)
Mantra for Eye Therapy(5)
Mantra for Dental Treatment
Mantra for Treatment for Hiccups
Mantra for Hiccups and Asthma
Mantra for Heart Related Diseases
Mantra for Treatment for Stomachache(1)
Mantra for Treatment for Stomachache(2)
Mantra for Treatment for Stomachache Problems(1)
Mantra for Treatment for Stomachache Problems(2)
Mantra for Treatment for Jaundice
Mantra for Healing Boils(1)
Mantra for Healing Boils(2)
Mantra for Healing Skin Diseases
Mantra for Healing Migraine(1)
Mantra for Healing Migraine(2)
Mantra for Balancing Digestive System
Mantra for Overcoming Insomnia(1)
Mantra for Overcoming Insomnia(2)
Mantra for Empowering Effect of Medicine
Mantra for Healing Eye Flue (Conjunctivitis)
Mantra for Improving Eye Sight